Saturday, May 14, 2011

A few more gifts

I am really enjoyed just sewing a bit here and there these past couple weeks.  So often it seems like when I sit down to sew I want to finish the entire project, which leads to me rushing to get it done!  I have had about four projects going at once which was actually great because I knew I wasn't going to get them all done but I could just work a little bit on them when I had the chance.  I found that I ended up sitting at my sewing machine more when there wasn't any pressure of finishing anything.  I do have a couple things that need to get done before convention next month (which means I need to finish them before we got to Hawaii) but I also have realized that if I work on them for just a few minutes a day, I will finish in plenty of time.  I was able to finish up a dress for Tiana this morning so I will get photos of her in it tomorrow.
These pillows are late Mother's Day gifts for my Mom.  With Tiana's party they didn't get done in time but they are ready now!  I found the blue doilies at a thrift store and they are the same color as her couch.  The big doilies I ended up adding after I saw them at JoAnn's.  I am in love with doily projects right now and so I am really happy with how these turned out.  I hope she likes them too!

These stacks are for my new little nephew who is coming soon!  I made some knit receiving blankets for Camden and loved them and had asked Shanna if she had any.  She didn't so I got to work.  All of this is from two yards of knit (one print, one solid): receiving blanket, 4 burp rags and 2 wash cloths!  I did one set in fire trucks and one set in monkeys!  Thanks to this project I learned my (new to me) serger a bit better. It is a Bernina, I KNOW it is an awesome serger but I didn't have the manual and have always fought with it.  I downloaded the manual and read all 23 pages!  I discovered that why I haven't liked the way it sews is I was missing a step with one of the threads during threading!!  It is a four thread serger, which I now LOVE, now that I know how to use it!  After figuring it out, these took no time at all.  I didn't bother with binding because I don't mind the look of a serged edge and would rather be able to give her more to use since it takes way less time to make them this way.  Plus I don't have my walking foot yet and I learned my lesson last time!