Thursday, March 12, 2009

Outside time

Tonight Sissy discovered the slide. She took a while to get warmed up to it but then she figured out how to go down herself into Daddy's arms. She LOVED it.

Of course, Daddy catches her and then flies her through the air which is always fun.

Getting up the courage to go down the bigger slide!

I mentioned in the past post that Keaton loves being "On topada World". This is what started the whole thing. Daddy always used to climb up on the play set to tease Keaton.... well he has gotten big enough that he can make it up now to.... much to his excitement.
How many clowns can you fit into a Little Tikes car!?!?
Oh yes and of course since we are in the climbing mode we also have to climb up onto the car... just like Daddy.

We can't wait until the evenings are a little bit warmer to make the time that we can spend outside even longer.