Thursday, January 8, 2009


Keaton has discovered the joy of counting EVERYTHING! In the video he makes it to 8 but he actually can go all the way to 10. He has discovered that he can pretend he doesn't know something. He pretends to get my brothers names all mixed up all the while giggling because he knows it drives them crazy! When frustrated or really wanting their attention what do you know he has no problem with the right name. He also had discovered that the gets quite the reaction from Mom and Dad when he counts to 8 then says 4! When you actually catch him counting or ask him what comes after 8 he will go all the way to ten. Needless to say even 8 is quite a big deal for a 2 year old!

Video sent by mommy


june said...

I know a former 2-1/2 y.o. boy (of course) who wouldn't say red--what color is this? Blue. What color is this? Blue. Say Red. Blue. Alrighty then!