Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Keaton's Birthday and lots of Football

Sorry it has been so long... a newborn takes lots of time! Keaton had a GREAT football season! Every game had multiple touchdowns and lots of tackles! He sure is fun to watch! Keaton is number 11 in these photos.

This game they had to wear white so he is number 27!  It always took more than one player to take him down.

Keaton tackles the other team in their back field... also a regular occurrence!

And a couple awesome tackles.

No big surprise here... he wanted a football helmet cake for his birthday.  We celebrated early since baby girly was due right around his actual birthday!

He got Denver Bronco gear for his bday so he had to promptly put it on!

A few of his closest friends. Caden, Luke and Brock.

In between all the football games I also started the huge job of painting all of the nursery furniture white!!!